Pour une fois nous avons la VO en temps réel!
Tout est déjà en boutique, alors précipitez vous!
Seul bémol, Batman #1 est déjà sold out, on en aura de nouveau demain!
- Art of Metal solid hc
- Avengers #17 Fear
- Avengers Childrens Crusade #7
- Batman #1

- Birds of Prey #1
- Blue Beetle #1
- Boys Butcher Baker Candlestrickmaker #3
- Captain America #3
- Captain Atom #1
- Catwoman #1
- Chew TP Vol4
- Daredevil #4
- Dark Horse Presents #4
- DC universe presents #1
- Deathstroke
- DMZ #69
- Fables #109
- Fear Itself Fearsome four #4
- Fear Itself Home Front #6
- Fear Itself Uncanny X-Force #3
- Fear Itself Youth In revolt #5
- Frankenstein Agent Of Shade
- Game of Thrones #1
- Green Lantern Corps #1
- Grifter #1
- Hellblazer #283
- Hellboy Vol 11 Bride of Hell & Others
- Infinity #2
- Justapoz #129
- Legion Lost
- Legion of Super Heroes
- Morning Glory Vol 2
- Near Death #1
- New York Five
- Nightwing #1
- Northlanders #44
- Red Hood and the Outlaws #1
- Red wing #3
- Spider-Island Cloak and Dagger
- Spider-Island Spider Woman
- Stars Wars Omnibus Episodes I-VI
- Supergirl #1
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #2
- Ultimate Comics Haweye
- Ultimate Comics X-men #1
- Uncanny X-men #543
- Wolverine and Black Cat Claws 2 #3
- Wonder woman #1
- X-men #18
- X-men Schism #4
à tout de suite!
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